Monday, May 16, 2011


Outer Layer:
1 kg of wheat flour, high protein
440 ml water
3 eggs egg chicken
50 ml salad oil
1 ltr of oil, to soak the dough

2 tablespoons cooking oil
1 piece of onion, finely chopped
4 pieces of garlic, thinly sliced
50 g curry seasoning
6 g curry powder
600 gr minced beef
Salt and pepper to taste
5 gr sugar
15 scallions, sliced
10 grains of chicken egg

Way to make:
1. Layer, saute onion and garlic until fragrant. Add other ingredients, except green onion and egg. Cook until the meat is cooked. Once cool add the egg and green onion and stir well.

2. Outer Lyaer: Mix all ingredients until smooth, round dough, rubbed with salad oil. Rest dough 10 minutes. Weigh 40 gr dough. Soak in cooking oil for 2 hours.

3. Take the dough skin, make it so tiny, pour 3 tablespoons batter contents. Fold the envelope shape. Fried hinga cooked and lightly browned.

4. Cut into pieces and serve with fresh vegetable chili and pickled cucumber.

In Bahasa Indonesia


1 kg tepung terigu, protein tinggi
440 ml air
3 butir telor ayam
50 ml minyak salad
1 ltr minyak, untuk merendam adonan

2 sdm minyak goreng
1 buah bawang Bombay, cincang halus
4 buah bawang putih, iris halus
50 gr bumbu gulai
6 gr bubuk kare
600 gr daging sapi cincang
Garam dan merica secukupnya
5 gr gula pasir
15 batang daun bawang, iris kasar
10 butir telor ayam

1. ISI : tumis bawang Bombay dan bawang putih hingga harum. Tambahkan bahan lain, kecuali daun bawang dan telor. Masak sampai daging matang. Setelah dingin tambahkan telor dan daun bawang, aduk rata.
2. KULIT : campur semua bahan hingga kalis, bulatkan adonan, oles dengan minyak salad. Istirahatkan adonan 10 menit. Timbang adonan 40 gr. Rendam dalam minyak goreng selama 2 jam.
3. Ambil adonan kulit, tipiskan. Tuang 3 sdm adonan isi. Lipat bentuk amplop. Goreng hinga matang dan berwarna kecoklatan.
4. Potong-potong, sajikan dengan lalap cabai dan acar mentimun.

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